Advent: Prepare for a notable person

advent wreath and hymn bookAdvent: “the arrival of  a notable person, thing, or event.”

The Advent Season is preparing for an event, Christmas Day, and the celebration of the coming of a notable person. Preparation is often in the terms of baking cookies, buying gifts, decorating, and special gatherings. As much as I enjoy the special food and spending time with family and friends, I don’t want to miss the reason for this particular Advent: God.

I like to prepare my heart as well as my home. Each year I use special devotionals and prayer lists during this special time. There are so many available that your family can find the one just right. Here are some of my favorites*:

Unto Us a Child Is Born: An Advent Devotional by Terrie Bently McKee
Essays written from a biblical perspective, the devotional gives different viewpoints and research to the Christmas story.
Print – $8.32 Kindle – $5.99

Advent in Narnia: Reflections for the Season by Heidi Haverkamp
Twenty-eight devotions alternate between Scripture and passages from the novel to prompt meditation on Advent themes.
Print – $12.02 Kindle – $9.99

The Faith of St. Nick: An Advent Devotional by Ann Nichols
Twenty-five day devotional that focuses on the life and faith of the man who was to become known throughout the world as Nicholas of Myra, St. Nicholas, St. Nick, and finally, Santa Claus
Kindle – $1.99

Advent Devotions: Holding on to Hope by John Stuart
Twenty-five short devotions, prayers, and questions for reflection for busy Christians and Church families.
Kindle – $.99

In addition to preparing your heart, pray for your children through the Advent with 25 Prayers for Your Child.

*affiliate links

Comments (3)

  1. Reply

    What a beautiful way to prepare for such a wonderful event. I love Christmas with it’s lights, and presents but most of all for what we really celebrate the birth of Jesus.

  2. Susan K. Stewart


    Rebecca, I know how easy it is to get so involved in the preparations that we forget the reason for preparing. That’s why I start using a specific devotional for the season.

  3. Pingback: Prepare for Peace - Practical Inspirations

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