Little Ones in Church

“Welcome to our church. The children’s program is down the hall. Mr. Smith will be happy to guide your children,” the greeter said.

“Good morning,” my husband responded, “thank you, but our children will stay with us.”

Somewhat befuddled, the greeter said, “I’m sorry, children are not allowed in the adult worship service. They will be fine in the children’s program.”

After a couple more exchanges explaining our position, my husband had to say, “I’m sorry, we will not be able to stay.” And we turned and left.

Read how our family worshipped together in church.

Comments (2)

  1. Reply

    I’ve done both, tried to keep my little ones in church and send them out. My experience has been challenging keeping them in church esp. as toddlers. My 4 and 6 year old are pretty good now. I will not send the kids out to a children’s class if I am unfamiliar with the church or the leaders. If needed I will take them into the nursery and sit with them.

    • Susan K. Stewart


      Yes, Jennifer, toddlers can be a challenge anywhere.

      Some churches still have a cry room, where a parent can go with a fussy little one while still hearing and seeing the service. I see fewer of those now. It was a good option for all.

      Thank you for your thoughts.

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