It’s spring. It’s tornado season.

“At least we don’t have earthquake seasons.” My response when someone next to me said, “I couldn’t live in earthquake areas.” I was referring to tornado seasons during the spring each year in the Midwest.

Tornado seasons a three-month period in which tornadoes are more likely to occur. The season is different from south to north in the United States. In Texas, where I live, we are in the middle of our season, while it is July through September in North Dakota. An advantage to having a specific “disaster season” is the opportunity to be check preparedness.

There are standard suggestions to be ready for any type of emergency. These include

  • Develop a plan for you and your family for home, work, school and outdoors.
  • Keep a disaster supply kit in your home including water, food that won’t spoil and needs no heat to serve, first-aid kit, NOAA weather radio (also known as an emergency weather radio), a flashlight, batteries, and special items for children, pets and elderly family members.
  • Be sure your weather radio is working properly. Spring is a great time to install fresh batteries.
  • Have frequent drills.

To be ready for tornado season:

  • Know the safest shelter areas in multiple locations.
  • Have a communication plan if family members are separated.
  • Know the emergency plan for your children’s school and where family members work. For example, should you plan to pick up your children from school?
  • Plan for several days without power.
  • Know the severe weather alerts:

Severe Thunderstorm Watch

A severe thunderstorm watch is issued when there is a possibility that thunderstorms in and near the watch box area may produce the following severe weather conditions:

Hail 3/4 of an inch or greater
Winds greater than 58 mph

Severe Thunderstorm Warning

A severe thunderstorm warning is issued when a storm with any of these severe weather criteria is approaching the warning area:

Hail 3/4 of an inch or greater
Winds greater than 58 mph

Severe thunderstorms can and do produce tornadoes.

Tornado Watch

A tornado watch is issued when thunderstorms in and near the watch box area may produce tornadoes.

Tornado Warning

A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been spotted or indicated by radar.

You can eliminate tornado fear by being prepared and knowing more about tornadoes: Here are some lesson ideas:

Tornado novels:

More tornado information:

Do you live in Tornado Alley?

Tornadoes can occur anywhere. Has one been in your area?

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