30 Days of Hope

Hope. Hope is the path through the darkness of mental illness for families. We need hope to be able to take the next step, then the next one, and next one. Brenda Poinsett’s 30 Days of Hope for Dealing with Depression helps us take that next step.

30 Days of Hope book cover30 Days of Hope is a devotional with 30 devotions with authentic stories, practical advice, Scripture, and honest feelings. Ms. Poinsett is vulnerable and real as she shares her own experiences, as well as those of others. Whether the depression is a seasonal affliction or a chronic disease, these devotions give hope because they don’t offer pat answer.

Those who suffer with other mental illnesses, and their loved ones, will benefit from this book also. No matter the diagnosis, the need for the hope of a light ahead is valuable to recovery. Family members experience many ups and downs as they help their loved one on the road to recovery. Hope is necessary to continue the journey. Often we experience depression along the way. We know what the writer of Proverbs means with “When hope is crushed, the heart is crushed” (13:12).

The two short appendixes underscore the fact that Ms. Poinsett truly understands that depression is more than feeling sad for a short time. It is a serious brain disorder, which needs more than happy words for recovery.

It isn’t necessary to use this devotional daily or in the order written. Each devotion can be read in a couple minutes. The reader can quickly find a chapter title appropriate for the moment. Grabbing it when there’s an extra moment may be just what the reader needs to move forward for the day or week. This book is staying on my shelf just for that reason.

30 Days of Hope for Dealing with Depression
Brenda Poinsett
New Hope Publishers
Print – $9.99
Kindle – $3.99

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