In addition to in-person workshops, Susan also teaches online. These classes give you the opportunity to learn at your convenience. While there is give-and-take during the classes, and Susan provides individual answers to questions, it’s not quite the same as an in-person workshop. Few of us are brave enough to attend an in-person conference in our favorite jammies.
Susan is also available to teach at conferences and groups (online or in-person). Here is a list of her workshops. For more information about having Susan speak, contact her at
Online classes are taught via e-mail. On Monday you will receive the weekly lesson with assignments. During the week, Susan will discuss the lesson with and answer your questions. While not associated with any certification program, a certificate of completion is offered to those who complete one assignment each week. In addition, Susan is available for two weeks after each class to answer questions or mentor.
Creating and Formatting e-Books
You’ve decided that you are going to produce an e-book. Whether you are publishing through traditional companies or self-publishing, you may need to create your e-product. Or you want to know the process of creating an e-book to have more knowledge about how your product should look. This course will cover basics of formatting, file conversion, various publishing options, and more details of creating and selling your e-product. You will go through the steps necessary to make a Kindle product you’re your completed manuscript. After completing this class, you will be ready to upload your e-book for sale.
Twelve lessons. Individual class fee $180. For details and registration.
Why Am I Doing This? Seven Steps to an Educational Philosophy
You know that you should have a written philosophy of education because it is the foundation of your homeschool. If you didn’t stay awake during Philosophy 101 in college, you may wonder just how you write something so lofty. In this class, Susan will take you through seven steps to writing your philosophy of education. When finished you will have the backbone your written educational beliefs.
Eight lessons. Individual class fee $100. For details and registration.
Breaking into the Homeschool Market
According to Education World, homeschooling has increased by 75% since 1999. Traditional textbook publishers have found this market, but you don’t have to write textbooks or study guides to tap into the market. Susan K. Stewart began homeschooling in 1981, before it became fashionable, and has seen the successes and the failures. She will provide hints and tips on breaking into this market with your product, plus a few ideas for creating products for homeschoolers. Fiction writers encouraged to attend.
Five lessons. Individual class fee $80. For details and registration.
More Online Classes
Everything I Need to Know Is on the Internet
The wealth of information on the Internet is amazing. It’s not called The Information Super Highway without good reason. Research is more than a Google search. It still requires getting out of the chair, and away from the computer. (Six classes)
Susan K. Stewart will take you back to the basics of research. She will show how to use original source documents, interviews, and roaming the stacks at the library, in addition to some hints for effective Internet research. Be prepared for some quick assignments to learn the skills.
The Art and Science of Self-Publishing
Whether your book is for a small niche market or a broad audience, it is easier than ever before to self-publish a quality product. Susan provides details of publishing for an audience smaller than 50,000, smaller even than 500. She covers building a quality product, cost, and marketing. (Five classes)
Frugal Writer’s Guide to Websites
Every writer knows that a website is essential for marketing. Whether you write books or articles, are a beginner or bestseller, an Internet presence is necessary. Learn the 5 Ws and H of building a web site. It is easier and cheaper than you think. (Six classes)