homeschool mom with sad face

Thanksgiving – Coping with mental illness

“Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens.” I Thess 5:16-18 (MSG) What? I’m supposed to go around with a happy face pasted on? Days when our loved ones’ mental illness is causing great distress for everyone, it is hard to even think about cheerful. Hallucinations, violent outburst, or

woman relaxing with book and coffee

Coping: Self-Care

One of my first questions when our son was returning home after a suicide attempt was, “How do we ‘watch’’ him?” I didn’t get the answer I wanted: “You don’t.”

I was prepared to have a 24-hour watch, and do it all myself if I had to. That was neither possible nor practical. In the emotion of the moment, I wasn’t thinking; I was reacting. I didn’t, couldn’t, think about myself.